Japanese Philosophy

ODELIC offers more than 150 models of Japanese-style lighting fixtures that combine traditional craftsmanship with modern design.

"Satori" means to go beyond the world of bewilderment and attain truth, came to be understood as a higher concept sought by humankind through the many religious beliefs introduced into Japan over the years. The process of awakening to one's inner Buddha is called enlightenment. It requires one to enter a state of mindlessness, undistracted by worldly preoccupations or concerns and withholding all judgment. Japanese sees the process of striving for enlightenment as a noble pursuit and often strips away unnecessary and extravagant decorations.

Until recent years, Japanese houses surrounded with beautiful nature and colors of seasons, were only separated from the outside world thin sliding doors called shoji made of Japanese paper. The light passing through the paper, subtly changing with seasons, would have gently illuminated the decorated plants and flowers, the bountiful food, and the faces of the families within. The strong emphasis on contrast seen in many Western paintings through the years, may appear peculiar under Japanese light.

The space is composed of traditional styles and natural materials. This is where the craftsmen's techniques of creating all the structures from all creation comes to life. The Japanese sense of beauty, unchanged since ancient times, is predicated on love for nature and respect for tradition. As time progressed, traditional architecture has disappeared, and our lives have changed even more, but the spirit of living in harmony with nature is still present in our daily life.

At times, Japanese maintain awe of nature for its unmerciful power while accepting the sense to live in harmony with nature. This informs the Japanese sensibility around spatial performance and the yearning to incorporate the orderliness of nature into everyday life, as manifested in gardens that replicate the scenery of seas and forests, or plants positioned so as to be perfectly framed by a window. Evidence of this quintessentially Japanese attitude towards nature, cultivated over many years, can be found even in today's modern cities.

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